Noisy Offering
The Noisy Offering is collected on the third Sunday of each month. The loose change from the other Sundays of the month are added to this and these offerings are donated to a different cause (charity) for each quarter. The Noisy offering for this quarter will go to:
Hebron Country Pantry
United Women in Faith
Our General Meeting was held Tuesday, November 19th with
12 members present. The “Holly Lane Bazaar” was great, and we appreciate all your help! We enjoyed a delicious lunch. It was Janet’s Birthday, and we had a Birthday Cake for her. Hostesses were Janet, Barb, Ruth and Sandi. The tables were lovely in a Thanksgiving theme. We wish everyone a “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year.” ____________________________________________________________________________ |
Hebron United Methodist Church | MInistries |
Office Hours:
M-F: 9am-3pm