Noisy Offering
The Noisy Offering is collected on the third Sunday of each month. The loose change from the other Sundays of the month are added to this and these offerings are donated to a different cause (charity) for each quarter. The Noisy offering for this quarter will go to:
Hebron Rebuilding Together
United Women in Faith
The Hebron UWF would like to share the donations and contributions we were able to make in 2024 because of church and community support, the Rummage Sale, and the Holly Lane Bazaar:
Chancel Choir New refrigerator for the kitchen Sunday School Christmas in July gift cards Camperships Landscaping on the east side of the church Phil’s Friends Bible School donation Bashor Home Christmas decorations for the parlor Call-A-Ride Christmas for the Shut-Ins Caring Place UWF of Valparaiso to support students Housing Opportunities Without the support of the congregation, the UWF wouldn’t be able to do all it does to support others in our church, in our town, and in our community. Thank You ____________________________________________________________________________ |
Hebron United Methodist Church | MInistries |
Office Hours:
M-F: 9am-3pm